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Online Gambling Legislation
Whether it’s virtual poker, sports betting, or a classic casino game, online gambling offers the opportunity to wager and win real money. While the risk is minimal, online gamblers still need to be responsible and alert. In some cases, this might mean avoiding certain banks and financial institutions. For example, some banks might refuse to process gambling transactions in specific countries. In addition, fraudsters may use the internet to lure players into another transaction.
A number of states are currently considering implementing legislation regarding online gaming. The most recent legislation was introduced in New York by Republican Congressman Peter King. His bill would create an office of gambling oversight to be attached to the Treasury Department. The ensuing regulations would reinforce state law in cases where it’s needed most.
The first venue for general public online gambling was the Liechtenstein International Lottery. The Federal Communications Commission might also rethink their current position regarding the furnishing and leasing of facilities for such activity.
The “Internet Gambling: The First Decade” report published by the General Accounting Office in December 2002 is a good place to start. It identifies many notable facets of the industry. Aside from the ubiquity of the Internet, it notes that there are no uniform standards for federal regulation.
The “Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection Act of 2013” introduced by New York Republican Congressman Peter King, also promises to accomplish the same. It would create a single standard for federal regulation of online gambling. In addition to this, it would create a new federal office to oversee gambling. In the short run, the new agency could be a boon to the industry. As with any other business, the ability to set and enforce uniform rules would make the market for such games much easier to navigate.
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School found that the majority of online gamers play in a moderate manner. The study didn’t identify which games had the most gambling elements, but did note that the UIGEA has a special carve-out for games of skill.
In the end, the best online gambling strategy is to choose a reputable operator and play data sgp. This includes educating kids about the risks and rewards of gambling. The best way to do this is to work with an adult who is trusted. They can help explain the dangers of online gambling and teach children how to be safe on the internet.
The most important part of the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection Act of 2013 is the Lopez Amendment. This little number will help weed out the low level gambling cases and provide the federal government with information on the impact on interstate commerce. In the meantime, the best online gambling strategy is to shop around for the best odds.
While it’s a small step to go from an illegal gambling operation to a legal one, the Lopez Amendment makes it a bit easier to do so. The act also comes with a number of Congressional findings regarding the impact on interstate commerce.